Prayer for our New Church

Loving God, the sole Architect of creation, we came to You asking prayerfully, seeking wholeheartedly and knocking with humility to “preserve our past and build our future”.  With gratitude we proclaim that You have opened wide the doors to our new and beautiful home. In Your abiding grace continue to embrace us and those of our beloved departed so that our hearts may rest with the assurance that you will hold in your loving care our children and their children who will enter here. In this holy dwelling, may we all be guided by the Word we hear, transformed by the sacraments we celebrate and nourished by the love we share.  May we complete all we have begun, and at last come to dwell in our true home to enjoy your vision, O God, together with our Blessed Mother and the rest of the saints in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Craig Scott our original architect for the project had some beautiful pictures taken. Click below to start the slideshow

Derivi Castellanos Architects

Derivi Castellanos Architects



Your personalized brick will be a lasting legacy at our Parish for all your successive generations to hold and behold with pride and gratitude. You can personalize these bricks as a family or an individual, as a sign of love of an individual/s living or deceased or even in honoring an event (e.g. wedding) very special for you. These bricks will be placed beautifully in special areas as part of our landscape phase for all to see.

Remember you loved ones with Annual Memorial Candles



Purchasing an Annual Memorial Candle in honor of a loved one or for a special intention is a wonderful way toremember your loved one while supporting the parish and beautifying the sacred space of our church.







A small plaque displaying the name of your loved one or a special intention will be mounted in front of each candle.  Plaques will remain on display for one year and may be renewed or rededicated for additional 12 month periods.


Please click on the photo above to print out an order form.  Fill the form out and return it to the parish office.